Modern Interconnected Data Hub for the US Auto Industry

Epsilon Automotive case study
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Running multiple campaigns across thousands of US car dealerships can give marketers a headache when it comes to integrating marketing campaigns and devising digital strategies from all actors in order to deliver the accurate messages to the right audiences.

Sending relevant marketing messages

ActiveEon has been working with Epsilon Automotive, which provides data and CRM solutions for the Auto industry, and in particular - to automotive dealerships (Toyota, Ford, BMW, General Motors, etc.) and OEMs (Original Equipment Manufacturers) - and helps them create and implement brand loyalty marketing programs.

Process and manage terabytes of sales and service data

As a data-based marketing company, Epsilon has always been handling terabytes of data. Providing customized platforms for each OEM based on their service and sales data, Epsilon acts as an interconnected data hub, handling data processing from various channels and managing incoming and outgoing communications between dealerships, OEMs and their customers. In particular, Epsilon implements and manages marketing campaigns for OEMs and automotive dealers using ProActive solution from ActiveEon.

Why ActiveEon

Placed at the core of its Automotive solution architecture, ProActive from ActiveEon allows Epsilon to chain data from many databases across the country and configure scheduled campaigns for more than 8,000 car dealers based on customers preferences. ProActive solution is key here to execute processing and transfer data to clients. It provides great flexibility and UI interaction to different categories of users that include DevOps, developers and business users.

“We compared commercial and open source solutions: SOS Berlin scheduler, CA Workload Automation, JAMS Scheduler, Control-M, to name a few. ProActive solution matched our needs for a robust open source based job scheduling software. We like ProActive software, its elegant look and feel along with support for complex workflows through its intuitive interface.”

Narasimha Raju, Lead Software Development Engineer at Epsilon

About Epsilon

Epsilon is the leader in data-driven and outcome-based marketing. It provides digital media, messaging and brand loyalty solutions helping companies deliver personalized messages at scale and grow customer relationships. Since 2019, Epsilon has been part of Publicis Group, which has put the company at the center of operations for Publicis worldwide. Epsilon is a global company with over 8,000 employees in over 40 offices around the world. Through its various divisions, Epsilon caters to different industries like retail, auto, database and more.

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