[INRAE] Big Data HPC for Health Discovery

Distributed R computations for statistical metagenomic analysis
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500 Tb of data processed each year
HPC complexity hidden by ProActive
Operational costs divided by 10
R computing architecture INRA

ProActive Solution provides Parallel R environment for genomic profiling and statistical analysis over a hybrid multi-platform architecture.

Flexible and powerful computing infrastructure as well as software are needed to analyze big datasets efficiently (from 40GB to 500TB). The effective use of HPC technologies based on new promising architectures that have emerged recently is the solution to this challenge. Metagenopolis and Activeeon have implemented solutions based on Map/Reduce and jobs submissions with PARConnector package (ProActive R connector).

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« The ProActive product perfectly integrates into a hybrid multi-platform architecture. The software vendor support is very efficient and result-oriented, above most of the competitors. »