Optimize Processes

Create Modern Automation

Build Effective Workflows

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Be ready to automate what the business throws at you!

ProActive Workflows & Scheduling

A clear response to IT Workload Automation

workload automation

ProActive Workflows & Scheduling is a market’s leading automation platform for enterprises. Ideal for better operational efficiency, it handles all automated operations and new requirements coming from the business. It is the perfect answer to the current trends of hybrid and multi-cloud technologies.

Better efficiency

We witness everyday companies’ needs for more efficiency and better integration of the myriad of applications, data and infrastructure in the cloud, including their own infrastructure.

We offer them a solution to automate the flux of information between entirely different applications and let them use any underlying compute resources that may be cloud services or on-premises resources.

Innovation & consistency

Managers can introduce modern automation to their business processes and at the same time create better efficiency to their existing IT processes.

Full-stack communication

You can use ProActive Workflows & Scheduling as a communications hub with all important applications used across the organization and ease the flow of information from one app to the next.

Unify infrastructure

Managers can create virtual group of compute powers across all available IT infrastructure that might be on-prem, private or public cloud.

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Response to modern needs

Thanks to its workflow agility and openness, ProActive Workflows & Scheduling enables ITOps to improve their current automation techniques like batch processing and job scheduling and also, to answer new requirements such as real-time events and parallel processing.

Modern workload automation and job scheduling

Modern job schedulers, like ProActive Workflows & Scheduling, integrate sophisticated features like workflow automation and real-time event triggering alongside widely used automation techniques like batch processing and job scheduling.

Modern batch scheduling

While workflows and event-driven processes are well positioned to increase automation for new requirements, batch processing and job scheduling are essential components of current IT operation automation.

Real-time triggers

Workflows that use real-time triggers let the firm automate and react to real-time occurrences. That could be the case when an external customer requests a report online, or when a partner shares financial documents in a cloud folder.

Learn more about batch processing

Advanced task dependencies

Workflows, which are a collection of interdependent tasks, can have multiple branches, and the flow can be routed in different ways depending on the type of event.

man on the moon

batch processing

To illustrate how all techniques can be used together, let’s discuss how big data customers using ProActive Workflows & Scheduling quickly create smart workflows that pull data from a single dataset and set parallel flows from which numerous batch processing operations are working concurrently to sort and analyze data for different teams.

ProActive Workflows & Scheduling offers a wide range of features, including event triggers, workflow management, smart batch processing as well as advanced parallel flows.

In addition to improving the existing company operations, the IT operation department can actively participate in business automation. The cost reductions grow exponentially as the department continuously streamlines and automates business procedures.

Automate Workloads with Hybrid IT

hybrid IT

Organizations, while modernizing their applications, utilize a combination of on-premises and cloud environments. In this hybrid environment containers and virtual machines (VMs) happily coexist.

Any infrastructure - anywhere

ProActive Workflows & Scheduling gives IT operations personnel the ability to rapidly automate processes for both on-premise and cloud environments.

From a single workflow the process can be directed to any environment. A succession of tasks, which could be sequential or parallel, transcends the existing siloed environment and offers you to run tasks any environment: private cloud, public cloud, on-premises, HPC, Grid, in VMs or containers.

More about hybrid IT

Smart Cross-Cloud and On-prem Services

ProActive Workflows & Scheduling gives you standardized way to build processes across infrastructure where you can choose the best applications you need and therefore lets you connect to the relevant cloud provider you need.

You can now use the best breed services wherever it is located and remove the complexity.

hybrid IT process

Self-Healing Workload Automation

ProActive Workflows & Scheduling has internal mechanisms that automatically identify, examine, and fix problems right away. Self-healing automation is the next natural progression in IT orchestration. We make sure that any loss of compute resource does not impact your jobs processing.

Smart remediation

Should any underlying compute resource fail, the ProActive solution automatically activates the self-healing process.

The impacted job is rerouted to an available compute resource with minimum interruption. For even more advanced needs, jobs with a high priority status, can jump the queue or even replace a low priority job which is processing.

In parallel, ProActive Workflows & Scheduling instantly sends an alert to the company's monitoring systems so ITOps agents can investigate further the infrastructure issue.

Save time - and money

The result of self-healing is a better customer experience, less downtime, cost savings and the ability to continue the automation process without human intervention.

self healing automation

ProActive Workflows & Scheduling self-healing provides benefits for companies with long workloads such as Monte Carlo simulations. In order to save time and money, the job restarts at the point where it failed, saving the many hours of processing time that happened before the failure of the compute resource.

Spot instances: Great savings on Cloud Workload Automation

With ProActive Workflows & Scheduling, you do not have to choose between affordability and dependability. The solution has a failure safeguard built in — you just select the best price spot instances, and we make sure that your process continues when the cloud provider removes the spot instance. In general, spot instances and cloud infrastructure have radically changed the game. But nothing is perfect and ProActive has your back.

spot instance recovery

Unavoidable interruptions are not a problem

ProActive Workflows & Scheduling offers you the possibility to prioritize the use of spot instances and lets you granularly decide when and how spot instances will be used.

The self-healing feature applies to spot instances and therefore ProActive will detect automatically when a spot instance has disappeared and will re-route the process without job failure.

No interruption of the workload

ProActive self-healing mechanism will resume the workload in a different instance automatically.

If a customer requires additional control - a human in the loop can be programmed so that a technician could select the best target to continue the process. Peace of mind and amazing financial savings.

Ad hoc IT Environments On-Demand

We understand that cloud networks and hybrid workload management can be complex and overwhelming. That’s where our expertise in automating and orchestrating different environments comes in.

Easy deployment

By using self-service jobs, ITOps or users can automate the process of deploying a complete IT environment (computing power, RAM, networks, database and applications, etc.) regardless of the cloud provider.

Easy Operations

Once deployed and until the end-of-life, ProActive Workflows & Scheduling automatically applies your ITOps runbook tasks for monitoring, configuring and upgrading... IT environments.

More about hybrid IT
full stack environment

infrastructure as code

Self-service IT Automation

Users can access the set of predefined packages prepared by ITOps. Users can tune their requirements and launch the process. ProActive Workflows & Scheduling will ensure compliance and consistency and deploy the IT environment in a low-code or no-code mode.

Recycling of the environment

At the end of the lT environment life, ProActive Workflows & Scheduling will decommission the services, and all the associated applications for that environment. The ITSM will also be updated.

secured environments

Workload Security and Data Privacy

You are undoubtedly well aware of the rules you must go by in order to protect the privacy and security of the personal data your organization collects.

Workloads Privacy Laws Compliance

Using Activeeon, automation specialists can establish virtual “Secured resource groups” and connect them to actual protected environments. Experts can choose each computer environment separately in accordance with the compliance guidelines prescribed by the nation’s legislation.

You can now comply with business-specific privacy legislation like "Financial Privacy Law" as well as privacy laws like the CCPA (California), PDPB (India), NYCRR 500 (New York), and GDPR (Europe). For example, the scheduler will automatically route workloads into the correct GDPR environment in the back-end when a user launches a process that has a GDPR tag attached to it. Peace of mind: all processes are automated, monitored, and logged.

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Batch Processing in modern IT

Optimize computing resource usage and automate your workloads with batch processing.

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